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Frequent questions

How to report the payment?
Once the payment has been made successfully, you must send us a screenshot of the operation made to our email ( then we proceed to verify payment in the next (6/12 hours maximum, normally a lot before).

How do I know that my account is already activated?
After verifying the payment transaction (through you and / or Paypal) you will be notified in the same email with which you have reported the payment informing the activation of your account so that you can access the parlays and picks in the website.

What are the opening times?
The payment reports are verified every day between (2:00 pm ET / 11:00 pm ET), sometimes they may be checked before or after the said time.

Where will I receive the parlays and picks?
Once your account has been activated you will be able to enter the VIP zone in the upper right of the page, there you enter your data (Username / Password) and immediately will show the parlays and picks. In some cases, when necessary, the information is sent by e-mail.

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