Only Premium Packages!



There are already more than 1000 users who have subscribed to the Expert Picks community.


Expert Picks

Guaranteed Policy

Guaranteed Policy
If a MARKED GUARANTEE package does not win or show benefits, you will receive the next day a FREE PICK with the same Capper or with another as long as the pick of the other Handicapper is the same price as the one that made the purchase previously.

Here is an example of scenarios:
If you buy a selection of $ 50 and do not win, the next day "you can see another Premium Pick from the same Handicapper or another" with the same $ 50 dollars.

To make a purchase with your credit, simply tell our email ( the 'Guaranteed'. The day you want to reuse it with another purchase of spikes or packages.

For package subscriptions there is NO GUARANTEE, please note before buying a premium package.
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